Thursday, September 6, 2018

How to Make your Apartment Smart

The development and sophistication of smart technologies give people increased control and convenience over their domestic lives.  While many of these technologies require more in-depth and permanent installations—the kind that might make more sense for property owners—there are many adaptable, lighter weight smart-home technologies that can greatly improve the daily lives of renters as well.  Here are a few ways renters can harness the power of smart technology for their apartments.

Integrate your Streaming

Gone are the days of having your content fixed in the separate silos of your television, computer, device, or stereo.  The emergence of streaming services, from Netflix to Spotify, to your local public library’s streaming service, gives us access to an almost infinite amount of content, without having to hold it in any one particular place.  You can unlock this new mobility of content by picking up a wifi-enabled stereo or speaker set to broadcast music directly from your device.  Similarly, the magic of dongles and screen mirroring allows you to screen videos, television shows, or films from your laptop, tablet, or phone directly onto your television screen. 

Smart Lighting and Smart Sleeping

While there are full lighting solutions that link to an all-encompassing smart solution like Google home, basic white light bulbs controlled by remote are available for lamps or other stand alone lighting, and require no rewiring.  These smart bulbs give you greater control over levels of brightness, and allow you to turn everything off from bed!  And speaking of beds, there are also technologies that let you remotely control both the warmth and coolness of your bed.  Technologies like BedJet incorporate heating and cooling into a hollow top sheet, which you can then regulate from an app on your device.  If you live in an apartment that can swing from being either a little too cold or a little too hot depending upon the season, technologies like these ensure a good night’s rest.

Get a Digital Personal Assistant

Almost every big company has their own version of a digital personal assistant these days, and while these technologies can be fully integrated into homes, for tasks ranging from security, to climate control, to household inventories, renters can still make good use of them.  These digital assistants are voice-activated, and allow you to do everything from finding and playing content, to making orders or reservations, to taking notes and scheduling, to calling, texting, or email contacts. 

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